Yad Sarah Reducing Inequities

Two Minute Snippets Reducing Inequities YAD SARAH removes financial barriers to care and provision of devices. Most of the equipment from YAD SARAH is loaned for free or with a nominal cost. A deposit is requested on loan and then refunded upon return. With 122+ branches around the country embedded in communities from the north

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Van with Yad Sarah Graphics Providing Transport to those in Wheelchairs

Tackling the Biggest Challenge to Those with Functional Difficulties

Two Minute Snippets Tackling the Biggest Challenge to Those with Functional Difficulties The biggest challenge to those with functional difficulties is access. Access for mobility, access for therapies, access to education, to work and to medical treatments. YAD SARAH works to remove or reduce the obstacles for the physically challenged to reach their full potential.

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Proud to Volunteer for Yad Sarah

Two Minute Snippets Tackling the Biggest Challenge to Those with Functional Difficulties For those of you who do not know about this organization, we want to share with you why we are so proud to volunteer for Yad Sarah. We have short videos with examples of ways the volunteers have improved and enhanced the lives

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Check Out New Features

Send a Greeting Card & Donate ! We are excited to tell you that we have created eCards for you to send to family and friends. We continue to have printed cards which we can mail, as we always have but you can now order them online as well. We will build the library of

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The Evolution of Yad Sarah

Leah Abromowitz New Developments in Israel's oldest volunteer organization A recent article in The Jerusalem Report on October 11, 2021 recounts the story of how Yad Sarah began, directly from the founder, Uri Lupolianski. The author, Leah Abamowitz, is not only a writer but is, herself, dedicated to geriatric care. Leah details how the organization

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Group of Men and Women standing in the shade of a tree in front of a branch of Yad Sarah in Southern Israel

A Country of Compassion and Support

We Love Our Volunteers Uri and Irit Yardeni toured the southern region of Israel with Management from Yad Sarah on their monthly trip to visit branches. Uri initiated and established the visitors’ centres of the “Israeli Giving Experience” and continues to volunteer and recruit more volunteers. The following is how Uri recounts his trip with

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Save Your Toddler with a “Tap”

Parenthood Week at Yad Sarah What if you could save your toddler with just a tap? Well in Israel you can. As parents, we have so many priorities and distractions. Our multitasking world distracts us from the concentration needed. Think about your morning routine. As parents, we have to get our children fed, dressed and

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A Mother’s Gratitude

Yad Sarah Supports Families in Joyous Times and in Sorrow This week as we honour Parenthood, we would like to acknowledge that parenthood is often challenging. At all stages of a child's life, there are plenty of happy memories and laughter. There are also hurdles of illnesses – some of which are insurmountable. At times

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Celebrating Parenthood

Honour Your Mother and Father We are celebrating parenthood. Many have experienced the wonders of pregnancy and the stress it brings the expectant mother who worries whether the baby growing inside of her is healthy or not. Other families have difficulty with pregnancies. Whatever the case, the need for medical equipment to investigate possible problems

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Hanna Makani, 90 yr-old, reclines on adjustable hospital bed in her home in Petach Tikvah, Israel after suddenly declining in health

No Place Like Home

There's No Place Like Home Feeling More Secure in your Own Surroundings Hanna Makani, a 90-year-old of Persian descent, has been fortunate until recently, to have been able to take care of herself with a little help from her family. She had been able to go about daily activities and participate in family gatherings. In

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Yad Sarah volunteers Delivering Medical Equipment During Covid-19

Logistical Efficiency Latest Productivity Innovation Project

Yad Sarah Leverages Relationships to Build Core Competencies in Logistics Logistical Efficiency is Yad Sarah's latest productivity innovation project. Yad Sarah is best known for its loaning of medical equipment through its network of branches. Over the years, the organization has built strong relationships with organizations that enhance its services and capabilities.  The most recent

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Volunteers Committed to Keeping All Services Open During Guardian of the Walls

Yad Sarah Volunteers Committed to Keeping All Services Open

During Operation Guardian of the Wall Volunteers Kept All Services Functioning. Kol HaKavod! Good Job! Our Yad Sarah volunteers were committed to keeping all services open with determination and grit – working non-stop to offer additional emergency support. During the days of the military operation called Operation Guardian of the Walls, Yad Sarah branches and

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70,000 Israelis are suffering from post-coronavirus symptoms and need your help!

70,000 Covid Long Haulers in Israel

The following is a March 2021 Covid-19 Press Release from Yad Sarah Jerusalem. It details the challenges before some of the most vulnerable in Israel after having contracted Covid-19. Yad Sarah is mobilizing its assets to assist those experiencing long-lasting effects of the pandemic. We encourage you to read the letter and support the families

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4 millionth person vaccinated in Israel

Four Million Vaccinated in Israel

The Call to Get Vaccinated As the video begins the sign reads, "I am the 4 millionth person to be vaccinated." Transcript Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister pleads with the viewers, "Go get vaccinated! Please, do it now! Not with a green passport, not with any passport. We can succeed completely if 570,000 people will

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Personal Wrist Alarm for Elderly

Medical Alert Devices

Yad Sarah's Medical Alert ButtonHome Alone?Isolated by Covid? Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Explanation of the video as you watch it. An older gentleman is walking in his neighbourhood and is distracted by a cute child riding on the back of the mother's bicycle. In doing so, he twists his ankle and falls on the

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Assisting Israelis Everyday

our Special ChildrenPlay Centres forBeit Helenaour Special ChildrenPlay Centres forBeit HelenaBack on their FeetGetting PeopleLoaning Medical Equipment for Physically-ChallengedFREE OF CHARGEYad Sarah Family Centrefor the Treatment & Prevention of Domestic ViolenceYad Sarah Doesn't Turn its Back on Domestic ViolenceYad SarahHelpsAnyoneAnywhereAnytimeEmergencies, Fear of IsolationAnswering the callNational Call CentreYad Sarah Family CentreAnswer the call7,000+ VolunteersGet More Information

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Yecheskel Herman in Maintenance Workshop in Yad Sarah

Thanks to volunteering, I live

Ezekiel Herman with Uri Lupolianski and the chanukiah composed of wheelchair parts (Photo: Yad Sarah) Menorah from Wheelchair Parts Volunteer Token of Appreciation As a token of appreciation for the activities of Ezekiel Herman (92), a Holocaust survivor and the oldest volunteer in the Yad Sarah organization, he received a menorah composed of wheelchair parts,

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Home Versus Hospital Recovery

A recent article in the Israeli magazine, Kehiloth, discusses the pros and cons of hospitalization and the unique Israeli alternative of home recovery supported by Yad Sarah. With the novel coronavirus so prevalent, there are many who do not want to rely on the hospitals where they could very well be exposed to more serious

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Eshet Chayil: Avigail ben Nun

A Veteran and Dedicated Yad Sarah Volunteer Hello to readers of Yad Sarah News. My name is Avigail Ben Nun and I was born in Belgium. I am a Holocaust survivor and was privileged to immigrate to Israel in 1949. After the birth of my third child I felt great happiness but also felt great

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Celebrating 45 Years of Giving

On 5 January 2020, President Rivlin honored 45 veteran volunteers at his official residence in Jerusalem. We Salute Our Volunteers Yad Sarah is marking its 45th year of giving with a tribute to its volunteers. The celebration kicked off in the sukkah of the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau, and continues with

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Making Lives Better for the Past 45 Years

Changing Lives for the Better

Yad Sarah Makes a Real Difference in the Lives of Real PeopleSatisfied customer Joel out and about on his motorized scooter in downtown Jerusalem Yad Sarah Made a Difference with the loan of a motorized scooter Linda and Joel are in the prime of life. They made Aliyah five years ago from Detroit, joining most

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Reuven Ini's Bar Mitzvah

Bar Mitzvah at 70!

Reuven Ini Celebrates Bar Mitzvah at 70 Yad Sarah Makes Lifelong Dream Come to Fruition Reuven Ini and his sister were born disabled. Their parents abandoned both children by a trash bin; but for a social worker passing by and finding them, both children may have lost their lives that cold night. The social worker

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The sign at the entrance to the new Frenkel Emergency Medical Center

Urgent Care Center

The Best Medicine Shimon Breitkopf with Shlomi Gil Former Jerusalem mayor, Uri Lupolianski, agreed to a rare interview in the wake of his latest initiative — a groundbreaking urgent care center in the capital Wednesday, April 18, 2018 Source:  Original Article, Mishpacha Jewish Family Weekly If you know a thing or two about Israeli politics,

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Yad Sarah volunteer sits with a Holocaust survivor and her photo album helping her record her life stories

Yad Sarah Races Against Time to Record Survivors Stories

The organization has recorded testimonies and personal stories by over 1,000 survivors to date. Original Article BY JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICH  APRIL 12, 2018 16:57 Many survivors who had remained silent for decades about their horrendous experiences have decided in their later years of life to speak out and commemorate the loved ones who were murdered by the

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Hagit Yasu glamour shot for her singing career

Hagit Yasu Yad Sarah Volunteer

Hagit Yaso Gives Back Customers who come to the Yad Sarah branch in Sderot are surprised to see Hagit Yaso sitting in front of one of the computers. (pictured) Hagit is well known as the winner of the "Kochav Nolad" (A Star is Born) program six years ago and received lots of publicity following the

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Stephen Hawking in his wheelchair near the rear of the Yad Sarah van and in front of Yad Sarah House

Stephen Hawking and Yad Sarah

Stephen Hawking had a complicated relationship with Israel. The world-renowned physicist made a last minute decision in 2013 to boycott the conference in Jerusalem to honour Shimon Peres. It is said that he decided to boycott the conference due to pressure from the BDS movement. The last of the four visits Stephen Hawking made to

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New Frenkel Emergency Medical Center

The new Frenkel Emergency Medical Center is the result of a generous donation of the international businessman and Chairman of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), Aaron Frenkel, who dedicated the centre in memory of his parents R.Chaim and Fruma, z”l. The new centre is built upon an impressive area of 1,000 sq. meters (10,763.91 sq. ft.) and

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A young boy on crutches. Banner reads Last Year Yad Sarah helped more than 600,000 people get back on their feet

Israel’s Countrywide Network

What is Yad Sarah? Byline: Canadian Jewish News Yad Sarah is Israel's countrywide network of over 7,000+ volunteers, an NGO operation that provides free or nominal-cost services to enrich the lives of those who are sick, disabled, elderly, frail, wounded soldiers and isolated clients. We have operated throughout Israel since 1976, working to fulfill the

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Sderot children standing in front of Yad Sarah House holding balloons and a large Yad Sarah banner in front of the group of children

Smiles Say It All

A Smile is All it Takes The smiles on the children's faces said it all: they were happy to spend a day of fun at Yad Sarah, far from the frequent sirens and missile threats in their hometown of Ashdod. Yad Sarah initiated the invitation to Jerusalem, and the Social Welfare Department of Ashdod responded

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Kassam rockets on display after they fell on the town of Sderot, Israel.

Sderot Branch Under Attack

Sderot Under Attack! Yad Sarah's 100th Branch is There to Help! With the Negev town of Sderot again under relentless bombardment by Kassam rockets from the Gaza Strip, Yad Sarah has gone into action to help the beleaguered residents. To alleviate the suffering of thousands of residents, Yad Sarah opened a branch (100th in number) in

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Giving More

A Year Of Giving More

In 2014 Yad Sarah Was Called Upon to Give More Nearly 200,000 wheel-chaired patients transported by handicapped vans. Over 65,000 house calls carried out to help the elderly and patients confined to their home. 20,000 people services via Yad Sarah's telephone call center. 4,000 dental treatments provided by Yad Sarah's Dental Clinic for the Golden

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Emergency Alarm Response System with 5 stations and 5 female responders

Emergency Call Centre FAQ’s

Manager of the Emergency call centre in Yad Sarah – Arie Kahan (in photo) answers 7 questions about this distinctive call centre which imparts a sense of security to those who are connected and to their families. Seven Questions, One Answer – A Call Centre Full of Heart! 1)  I read and heard in the

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Young volunteers, civilian and soldiers, await behind wheelchairs to assist the disable to get to the polls to vote.

Helping People with Disability to Vote!

Yad Sarah - People Helping People, with Disabilities On Election Day, March 17th, 2015, Yad Sarah will transport disabled citizens who are unable to get to polling stations on their own. This service will be provided with a symbolic minimum fee to people who are wheelchair-bound. Those wishing to avail themselves of this service may reserve a ride

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Yad Sarah's efforts to provide home health services keeps patients out of hospitals and saves Israel millions of dollars.

Saving Israeli Public Coffers

Yad Sarah Saves Israel 1.5 billion NIS Loaning Medical Equipment in 2014! By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICH * THE JERUSALEM POST – SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 Source:  Original Article More than half a million residents benefited from services from Yad Sarah during the past year, with the voluntary organization saving the public coffers 1.5 billion NIS by lending

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Yad Sarah volunteers carrying medical equipment along walkway to client


"The lighthouse leading the organization" –  such was the description of Uri Lupolianski, founder and president of Yad Sarah, by Yishay Lapidot, on the event of the founder/president's speech to the southern volunteers. Applauded by the volunteers, Lupulianski said: "Here you are - volunteering with all your might, with that shine in your eyes, ready


Shikumon, Yad Sarah's Day Rehabilitation Centre

Cilla Discovers the Shikumon

Yad Sarah’s ‘Shikumon’ is a day rehabilitation centre that offers rehabilitative services to individuals who have undergone a traumatic event, such as an accident or stroke, or suffered from a degenerative disease that has left them with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. The word "Shikumon" derives from the Hebrew words "shituk" for stroke and "kum" or

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