In the News / Volunteer / Cilla Discovers the Shikumon
Shikumon, Yad Sarah's Day Rehabilitation Centre

Cilla Discovers the Shikumon

Yad Sarah’s ‘Shikumon’ is a day rehabilitation centre that offers rehabilitative services to individuals who have undergone a traumatic event, such as an accident or stroke, or suffered from a degenerative disease that has left them with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. The word “Shikumon” derives from the Hebrew words “shituk” for stroke and “kum” or “lakum” meaning to stand up.

About the Service

Yad Sarah’s five Day Rehabilitation Centres offer para-medical services including physical, speech and occupational therapy; music, art, gardening, movement and other kinds of therapy; as well as meals and social events for the severely disabled, young or old. This continued rehabilitation takes up where the hospital and health funds leave off. The participants travel to the centres in Yad Sarah’s specially-outfitted vans, receive their treatments, participate in activities, enjoy a cooked meal and are then brought home by van.

Yad Sarah’s professional staff and volunteers work to create an individualized treatment program for each participant that allows them to regain their zest for life and hopefully puts a smile on their faces. Involvement in activities at the centres, including lectures, trips and classes, often slow the deterioration of a participant’s condition, while at the same time the program gives caregivers a much-needed break. Activities take place five days a week and include breakfast and lunch. Several hundred individuals participate in ‘Shikumon’ activities every day.

And she loved every minute of it! Sharing her wealth of knowledge and skills in numerous ways.  We hope to see her back with us – soon!

Australian Masters of Occupational Therapy student, Cilla Barton, came to the Shikumon, Yad Sarah in Jerusalem to do her final practical training before graduating.

Cilla thinks that Jerusalem is a unique place to finish her studies, and is very grateful for the opportunity. Despite Cilla’s minimal level of Hebrew, Cilla integrated really well into the rehabilitation centre.

This was demonstrated by her independently leading cooking and upper limb groups, participation in the computer room and physiotherapy groups, and working with clients privately.  It has been noted by the staff and clients that all of which Cilla did, was done with great love and success.
Cilla soon left the rehabilitation centre to travel for a month through Israel, Jordon and Europe, before returning home to graduate from her Occupational Therapy degree at LaTrobe University.

She returns home with a great wealth of knowledge about Occupational Therapy, and of course about Israeli culture and the Hebrew language. With a big smile, she tells us about the food she loves in Israel; “humus, felafel, bamba, challah and chocolate milk in a bag”

Cilla briefly summarizes her experiences in the rehabilitation centre: “I can see that Occupational Therapy is an international profession, with similar methods used in Israel as in Australia.

It has been a fantastic experience here to meet the staff and clients.” Staff at the Shikumon, Yad Sarah wish Cilla success in her career as an Occupational Therapist.

We hope that your experiences here serve to be a positive learning experience and a stepping stone to your future work in Melbourne, Australia. Come back to visit Israel soon and visit us at Yad Sarah, Jerusalem.