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Check Out New Features

Send a Greeting Card & Donate !

We are excited to tell you that we have created eCards for you to send to family and friends. We continue to have printed cards which we can mail, as we always have but you can now order them online as well. We will build the library of cards on an ongoing basis so come back often and order your cards. The donations you make for the cards are tax deductible and we will forward a tax receipt at the end of the year for all donations you make. Please share the word with your friends and family about our cards.

Giving Tuesday is November 30th & we are Participating!

We are growing and participating in more community events. One of these is the #GivingTuesdayCA event. We are so excited to be a part of this Annual Milestone of Generosity. We hope you will check out our #GivingTuesdayCA webpage for all the news and plans. Hold the date and make Canadian Friends of Yad Sarah your choice for supporting Israel and the Israeli people.

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