What is Yad Sarah?
Byline: Canadian Jewish News
Yad Sarah is Israel’s countrywide network of over 7,000+ volunteers, an NGO operation that provides free or nominal-cost services to enrich the lives of those who are sick, disabled, elderly, frail, wounded soldiers and isolated clients. We have operated throughout Israel since 1976, working to fulfill the urgent needs in Israel.
How Do We Accomplish This?
We operate 100% on donations through the generous support of Israeli’s, Friends of Yad Sarah in Israel, Canada, the UK, USA, Switzerland, and France. Curremtly more than 600,000 people were helped through 120+ Yad Sarah lending branches located throughout the land in the following ways:
Lending medical and rehabilitative equipment, wheelchairs, crutches, oxygen equipment and arranging for a hospital type room set up, in their own home.
- 24 Hour personal Emergency Alarm systems
- “Special Needs” transportation vans, for persons with disabilities, confined to wheelchairs
- Access to medical services & medication, arranging social appointments and shopping
- Guidance and Exhibition Centres providing training and equipment
- Da’At Medical information services
- Legal aid for the elderly
- Geriatric dental clinic and mobile clinics for the home-bound
- Tourist Services for “Special Needs” individuals visiting Israel
- Emergency medical services responding to various incidents
- Medical products and services are available to everyone in Israel, regardless of denomination
- Transportation to Israeli Military cemeteries on Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day
- Yad Riva provides legal information in Hebrew, English, Russian, Arabic, and Amharic
- Wheelchairs are the #1 item requested at Lending branches; Breast pumps are the #2
- Kfar Kama branch services the Circassian community in Hebrew, Arabic, English & Cyrillic
- The centre in Raanana has a beauty salon. Cosmetology students come to style hair for the Day Rehab clients, helping clients feel better
- Yad Sarah’s headquarters offers apprenticeships as office assistants to high school grads
All services are provided by retired professionals and specially-trained volunteers. Founded in 1976 by Uri Lupoliansky, Yad Sarah began loaning equipment and providing home care all free of charge to enable people to remain at home in the warm supportive familiar environment that is most conducive to recovery. Service is professional and unencumbered by bureaucracy, friendly and compassionate.
Did You Know? Yad Sarah is the first Israeli Jewish NGO recognized by the UN’s Department of Public Information as well as the Economic and Social Council.
The importance of the impact of Yad Sarah on Israeli society cannot be overstated. In 2014 Yad Sarah saved the Israeli economy over $400,000,000.
If you are interested in volunteering or supporting Yad Sarah, please contact us in Toronto at: info@canadianfriendsofyadsarah.com, 416-781-6416, Arlene Weisbart, Executive Director would be thrilled to assist you to make a trip to Israel and equip you with whatever physical devices you may need!