In the News / News / Grateful Appreciation for the Important Work of Yad Sarah

Grateful Appreciation for the Important Work of Yad Sarah

Placing the Vulnerable at the Focus of Yad Sarah's Efforts

Touching Families at Critical Times

Yad Sarah recently received a letter from a family whose father was in a palliative state. It was their wish to have their father with them at a son’s home. To make this a reality, Yad Sarah assisted the family with the equipment needed. This letter from the patient’s daughter explains how important and meaningful the work of Yad Sarah was in treating their father at his most vulnerable time.

Dear Dedicated Yad Sarah staff,

I am writing on behalf of the Seliger family, to thank you for all you did to help us make my father’s last few days of life meaningful and comfortable for him and for his family.

My father was diagnosed with terminal cancer at the beginning of September.  As soon as we realized that treatments were no longer a viable option, we decided to bring him home to my brother’s house for home hospice.

When I told Shevy Shumacher from Yad Sarah of Maale Adumim that we want to take my father home as soon as possible, she took care of everything.  The bed for “ishpuz bayit” showed up the very next day!  The other important things we needed (IV pole, mattress and pump against bed sores, etc…) were brought as well.  We got other necessities such as the wheelchair and shower chair (which we unfortunately did not end up needing) from the very helpful staff at the Yad Sarah branch at Hadassah Ein Kerem.

Yad Sarah made it possible for us to bring my father to my brother’s home on the Thursday before Rosh Hashana.  Instead of having to sleep on the floor in his crowded hospital room in the oncology ward for the long weekend leading into Rosh Hashana, we – his wife, children, and grandchildren – were able to be with him in an environment that was respectful and comfortable.  We were able to envelope him, and my mother, with love and attention.

My father passed away peacefully on the first day of Rosh Hashana, shortly after we sang to him U’Netaneh Tokef, surrounded by his loved ones.  Words cannot express how significant it was to get the help from Yad Sarah that made this possible.  We will be forever grateful to Shevy and to Yad Sarah for helping us make this painful and difficult parting into something that was loving and dignified.

May you continue to help families recuperate and heal, or part from their loved ones in a way that makes this painful transition easier.

With deep appreciation and gratitude,
Shachar Loshinsky
the daughter of Zvi Seliger, z”l

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