In the News / Volunteer / Interview Zohar Margi Kfar Saba Volunteer

Interview Zohar Margi Kfar Saba Volunteer

Meet Our Volunteers

Short Questions & Answers Allowing You to Get to Know our Volunteers Who Perform “Sacred Work”

In this article, we will highlight Zohar Margi who volunteers in Kfar Saba

Q: Tell us something about yourself.

A: I live in Tel Aviv and volunteer by supporting the branch in Kfar Saba. I have two daughters and a grandson. I am a holistic psychotherapist – I studied the profession 20 years ago. I love to help and have a tremendous ability to help others. My parents were also volunteers. I come from a warm home where they educated us to help others.


Q: Tell us something most people don’t know about you.

A: I am not sure they don’t know but I am an optimist; I am realistic and living in the moment. This is how my parents taught me. I try to see the good in everything. It is what helps me face the things that are less pleasant.


Q: What does a typical volunteer day look like for you?

A: Sunday is my volunteer day. It is amazing. I am in a meeting for about an hour, hour and a half, with a patient and try to help. I listen to the patient’s issues and their families’ and discuss whether there are things they can do to improve the situation. People pour their hearts out to me and I provide them with emotional support that they need. I am happy I have this opportunity to help.


Q: What do you most like about your volunteering?

A: I love it when patients walk out of the meeting with a smile. Essentially, people come in depressed and sad and leave with the strength to continue. That is worth it all!


Q: Did this volunteer work help you to meet different people who have since become your friends?

A: The director of the Kfar Saba branch has become one of my friends and Anat as well. Both of these women are great.

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