News / Yad Sarah Devices

Yad Sarah Devices

News of innovative devices available through Yad Sarah branches. Many of these devices have been developed through Yad Sarah when a need has been demonstrated.

Save Your Toddler with a “Tap”

Parenthood Week at Yad Sarah What if you could save your toddler with just a tap? Well in Israel you can. As parents, we have so many priorities and distractions. Our multitasking world distracts us from the concentration needed. Think about your morning routine. As parents, we have to get our children fed, dressed and [...]

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Personal Wrist Alarm for Elderly

Medical Alert Devices

Yad Sarah's Medical Alert ButtonHome Alone?Isolated by Covid? Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Explanation of the video as you watch it. An older gentleman is walking in his neighbourhood and is distracted by a cute child riding on the back of the mother's bicycle. In doing so, he twists his ankle and falls on the

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