Emergency Funding Appeal: Operation Breath of Life

Yad Sarah needs your urgent support to airlift critical medical equipment to Israel.

Yad Sarah, Israel’s largest medical equipment and supplies lending NGO, is facing a life-endangering deficit in its inventory of Mobile Oxygen Generators and is in urgent need of additional Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machines.  Since October 7th, the organization has allocated a full year’s worth of medical equipment – including oxygen generators and CPMs – in the span of three months to address the urgent needs of civilians and soldiers affected by the Israel-Hamas war.  The current shortage of these vital medical devices is exacerbated by shipping delays and increased costs due to maritime hostilities in the Red Sea, and requires immediate action.  To bridge the gap, Yad Sarah seeks urgent funding to purchase and airlift 1,000 units of Mobile Oxygen Generators, each currently priced at $1430 and 250-500(subject to availability) CPM machines priced at $1,390. This will enable the organization to provide essential respiratory support through loans of the oxygenerators and rehabilitation of knee & hip injuries to those who may not be able to procure a CPM elsewhere due to high costs and nationwide shortages.

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Arlene-Weisbart_Exec Director of Canadian Friends of Yad Sarah

Arlene Weisbart
Executive Director

ברוכים הבאים

  • Whether you were referred to our site or saw or heard about our organization, we are happy you are here. We understand that the best way to learn fully the work of Yad Sarah for Israelis everyday is to visit Yad Sarah House in Jerusalem or one of more than 120 branches throughout Israel.

Short of that, we hope to bring you the facts and the human stories in our pages.

You will find information on how Canadian Friends of Yad Sarah can assist Canadians who have a disability travel to Israel, get around the country and provide necessary equipment that may be needed for the hotel, for transportation, etc.

We will bring you transformative stories of how Yad Sarah’s services and equipment have changed patients and caregivers lives.

You will see that Yad Sarah’s engine is powered by more than 7,000 volunteers who bring a sense of compassion and community responsibility to the country – to its more fragile. We hope you will gain an understanding of how important it is for this work to continue and can financially support us.

Our goal is to build our “brand ambassadorship”, advocates within Canada who will promote the organization through word of mouth. We also hope that you will understand that financial support for such vital care is a Mitzvah (good deed).

Yad Sarah’s video below will give you an overview of the work we do for all Israelis and how we came to do this.  I promise you will be as impressed as we are.

Contact us anytime, either by phone (416) 781-6416 or email to discuss volunteer opportunities in Israel, assistance you may need for a trip to Israel, or to discuss joint ventures with other organizations that could benefit from Yad Sarah services.

This video is from 2009. Though the statistics are not current, the details of the work of Yad Sarah is very relevant. Watch the video for a comprehensive overview of the work Yad Sarah does everyday.