Students at the Visitors' Center in bright yellow aprons learn how to clean wheelchairs after they are returned to Yad Sarah


Inspiration is Our Message!
The Best Show in Town!

Yet this institution is built on the concept of “The Volunteer”. This vital aspect is always seeking new blood to enable the ideology to move ever forward and move into realms of “whatever is needed shall be provided”.

Come Visit us on your next trip to Israel!


An all-encompassing institution could be assumed to be satisfied with having developed their system over years – and could sit back satisfied!  But this is not the case with Yad Sarah, a benevolent organization, constantly innovating, to improve the quality of life, for those in need.
There are no limits set to the many donors who support and advance this vital and dynamic foundation whose aims change with the differing needs of those it serves.  Yet this institution is built on the concept of “The Volunteer”.  This vital aspect is always seeking new blood to enable the ideology to move ever forward and move into realms of “whatever is needed shall be provided”.
Modern life, particularly the demanding lifestyle of Israelis, has many demands medically, emotionally as well as socially. It is Yad Sarah that is constantly changing to meet the ever new requirements of the community.  The many donors and volunteers are always at the ready to meet the demands and needs of the society it serves. From needed medical equipment to aids that assist mobility to social set ups to specialized clinics and home based medical services – there is an ever growing sphere of endeavor for the staff and helpers of Yad Sarah.

.... this institution is built on the concept of “The Volunteer”. This vital aspect is always seeking new blood to enable the ideology to move ever forward and move into realms of “whatever is needed shall be provided”.

Yad Sarah House, the head office of the organization situated in downtown Jerusalem.

“It is with respect to the many guests who come to visit and find out about the work of this institution that the Visitors’ Center has been renovated to receive them in the style they so deserve. Here a clear message is given: “You are needed in the ways only you can give.”

This Visitors’ Center is innovative and bursting with exciting images to motivate all of us to join this organization.  The slick, hi-tech program is an inspiring innovation presentation of the goals, aims and objectives of this Organization in an entertainingly vibrant manner. The wide screens enhance the professionalism of the presenters – radiating their enthusiasm and dedication.  The devotion of the volunteers is soon made obvious not only on screen but also as one is taken round the building to see the many vibrant and high quality programs that are made available to anyone in need.  The more one sees of the ideas the more one wonders at the sheer diversity of services that are offered.
Hence it is with great delight that the new renovated Visitors Center has been set up at the Jerusalem branch of Yad Sarah. This part of the building, immediately to the left of the main entrance, has two auditoriums beautifully furnished and carpeted in dusky blue.  The ground floor level hall has seating for some 56 people in luxury seats each with an individual video screen.  The seats face a stage that has three panoramic screens for film shows and propaganda. It is set up for hi-tech presentations.  This is an honorable way to receive visitors from abroad and show them the work of Yad Sarah in today’s setting.
The second theater is just up a flight of 7 stairs (that has its own chair lift) but this is smaller and there are just two long benches facing the ceiling-to-floor screens; here there is room for 20 participants. This is an ideal lecture set up for volunteers or community groups.  It opens its screens to view the specific departments at work.
The presentation honors the unique Jewish culture of charity and of helping those less fortunate.  The facts speak for themselves of the rise of the Yad Sarah organization from a small house in Jerusalem to the 120 branches all over Israel.
But key to all this success and innovative vitality are the 6,000 volunteers that “run the show”.  The vision of one man: Uri Lupolianaski- has mushroomed to a national gem and pride of the nation.
Its concepts and objectives being presented in this Jerusalem Center are to reach out to the younger generation (through their Hi-tech media) to emotionally bond them to the work and aims of Yad Sarah.  The program to visitors aims to reach those attending by touching their minds and hearts, enabling the Jewish cultural volunteering trait to go on and continue its traditional place.  It is a truly inspirational experience exciting the mind and the emotions as it entertains, educates, and stimulates interest.
Yad Sarah is not just a Volunteers’ Organization but it IS An Organization of Volunteers driven by the force of humanity to the advancement of the ever-changing role of Yad Sarah to meet the needs of our modern changing society (with all its ills).

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