

Yecheskel Herman in Maintenance Workshop in Yad Sarah

Thanks to volunteering, I live

Ezekiel Herman with Uri Lupolianski and the chanukiah composed of wheelchair parts (Photo: Yad Sarah) Menorah from Wheelchair Parts Volunteer Token of Appreciation As a token of appreciation for the activities of Ezekiel Herman (92), a Holocaust survivor and the oldest volunteer in the Yad Sarah organization, he received a menorah composed of wheelchair parts,

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Eshet Chayil: Avigail ben Nun

A Veteran and Dedicated Yad Sarah Volunteer Hello to readers of Yad Sarah News. My name is Avigail Ben Nun and I was born in Belgium. I am a Holocaust survivor and was privileged to immigrate to Israel in 1949. After the birth of my third child I felt great happiness but also felt great

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Celebrating 45 Years of Giving

On 5 January 2020, President Rivlin honored 45 veteran volunteers at his official residence in Jerusalem. We Salute Our Volunteers Yad Sarah is marking its 45th year of giving with a tribute to its volunteers. The celebration kicked off in the sukkah of the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau, and continues with

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Hagit Yasu glamour shot for her singing career

Hagit Yasu Yad Sarah Volunteer

Hagit Yaso Gives Back Customers who come to the Yad Sarah branch in Sderot are surprised to see Hagit Yaso sitting in front of one of the computers. (pictured) Hagit is well known as the winner of the "Kochav Nolad" (A Star is Born) program six years ago and received lots of publicity following the

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