Yad Sarah Makes a Real Difference in the Lives of Real PeopleSatisfied customer Joel out and about on his motorized scooter in downtown Jerusalem Yad Sarah Made a Difference with the loan of a motorized scooter Linda and Joel are in the prime of life. They made Aliyah five years ago from Detroit, joining most [...]
Placing the Vulnerable at the Focus of Yad Sarah's Efforts Touching Families at Critical Times Yad Sarah recently received a letter from a family whose father was in a palliative state. It was their wish to have their father with them at a son's home. To make this a reality, Yad Sarah assisted the family
Yad Sarah, Israel’s largest medical equipment and supplies lending NGO, is facing a life-endangering deficit in its inventory of Mobile Oxygen Generators and additional Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machines. To bridge the gap, Yad Sarah seeks urgent funding to purchase and airlift 1,000 units of Mobile Oxygen Generators, each currently priced at $1430 and 250-500 CPM machines priced at $1,390. This will enable the Yad to provide essential support to those that may not be able to procure a CPM elsewhere due to high costs and shortages.