Goals: Good Health and Wellbeing and Reduce Inequalities

Two Minute Snippets

Tackling the Biggest Challenge to Those with Functional Difficulties


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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

YAD SARAH traditionally works in the Health sector and contributes towards the goal of attaining a bright future for all by 2030.

Two of the 17 Global Goals are in YAD SARAH’s crosshairs. The #3 goal is Good Health & Wellbeing. The second is #10, Reduced Inequalities. Let’s show you how YAD SARAH is focusing on these!

ACCESS is the key word. People with physical impairments needed Access. And YAD SARAH is there to make that happen.

Physical and emotional health are central to YAD SARAH’s work. YAD SARAH works with people who have functional difficulties and may require wheelchairs, crutches, etc.

In addition to loaning mobility devices such as those just mentioned, YAD SARAH has a fleet of specialized vans called nechoniot. They will take people anywhere they need to go and bring them back, by appointment. Need to go to work, school or to a social outing? No problem. Need to get outdoors and see the beauty the country has to offer? Just ask.

YAD SARAH also offers senior citizens dental treatments, both in their clinic or at home for the homebound. Oral hygiene is crucial for total health.

With many elderly on fixed incomes and a great deal living below the poverty line, making a decision about paying for food or medicine should not be a choice they have to make. YAD SARAH began a program where unused prescriptions were verified and recycled to patients who could not afford it.

YAD SARAH has been involved in supplying oxygen concentrators and other respiratory equipment for years. When Covid began to spread in Israel, YAD SARAH experienced exponential demand for equipment and oxygen cylinders. Supplies were completed depleted several times and YAD SARAH has to search the globe to replenish its inventory.

Come Join Us on a Tour as we walk you through some of the remarkable stories that happen as a result of the caring and compassion of the volunteers, and the donors from Israel and around the world.

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